
The pleasure of a holiday by the sea ...


Lungomare Alcide De Gasperi, 210
63013 Grottammare - Ascoli Piceno

La Wine Villa sorge a fianco all'HoliDdays, immersa in un incantevole giardino, dispone di tre appartamenti.

Designed by the architectural firm T Studio Marche architects Maria Teresa Granato and Roberto Granato Raggi, the Wine Villa was designed with the same stylistic features of HolidDdays, consisting of three apartments is ready to welcome you for a beautiful holiday near the sea.
Each apartment is equipped with every comfort can accommodate small families.
Each apartment has a small garden, useful and functional

Gallery of rendering images of the Wine Villa, built by Architects T Studio Marche of Ascoli Piceno.

To rent your beach house in the Wine Villa is sufficient to connect to the pages that we have provided for each apartment, la Seaside House, Olive House e Withe House; in its pages you will find some descriptive notes, The map of the apartment, consult a calendar where the availability of, a small photo gallery and a form to fill out if you're interested in booking the rental of the apartaments for your beach vacation.
You can book for all year and for every year, you will be contacted as soon as possible for further details and clarifications.

Currently apartments Seaside House and Olive House has not yet been divided, this year you can book them together so their features are combined in a unique home that can accommodate 2 families.

If you prefer more general information please contact us through the page.

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